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Long Covid

Nutrition during long Covid

Long Covid is associated with various symptoms. These include fatigue, cognitive impairment, and loss of taste and smell. Depending on individual symptoms, various treatment and therapy options are available. In this article, you can also find out how nutrition can help.


Around 40-75% of Covid-19 patients suffer from loss of smell and taste. Patients who have experienced these symptoms are also at increased risk of developing other long or post Covid symptoms. The sensory deficiencies in smell and taste can also be linked to anxiety and depressed mood. Poor mental health promotes malnutrition.
In the case of Long or Post Covid, the connection is not proven. However, it is known from other chronic diseases that there is a connection between malnutrition and inflammatory activity. This means that when malnourished, the body releases inflammation-promoting messenger substances.

Plant-based diet as a potential treatment option for long Covid

A plant-based diet that appears promising is currently being investigated. Nutrition researchers know from previous studies that a plant-based diet can help with symptoms that also occur during long Covid. These include nervousness, sleep problems and pain. In addition, a primarily meat-free diet reduces the amount of inflammation-promoting substances in the body. It is hoped that this will provide a treatment option that could reduce a prolonged inflammatory response in long Covid.

Benefits of a plant-based diet include:

  • can reduce nervousness
  • Can reduce sleep problems
  • Can reduce pain
  • reduces inflammatory substances in the body

A plant-based diet is anti-inflammatory. It contains many important vitamins and antioxidants that strengthen the immune system. A diet that is also rich in fiber promotes the natural bacterial flora in the intestines. In addition, plant-based foods can cover a large part of the protein requirement. Beans, legumes, tofu, nuts and seeds are rich in protein. In addition, a plant-based diet absorbs healthier fats, such as olive oil or avocados.

By the way: You don't have to completely avoid animal products. Eggs and fish can help you absorb the necessary amino acids and fatty acids, such as omega-3.

A lesser known side effect of long Covid is reduced appetite and premature feeling of satiety. Perceiving food with all five senses is an important part of the interplay between hunger and appetite. When taste or smell is lost, an important component in generating appetite is missing. The result could be malnutrition, which can have a negative impact on symptoms.
Scientists are currently researching the possibility of mindful eating for long Covid patients. By consciously paying attention to the sensory impressions you feel when eating, the relationship with hunger and satiety should be normalized. This is usually achieved by reducing eating speed and concentrating on sensory impressions at the same time. What do I taste? What do I smell? What does the food feel like?

Limits of Dietary Therapy for Long & Post Covid

In this article, we are referring to a review article that shows possible links between the plant-based diet and common Long Covid symptoms. However, scientific evidence as to whether this diet actually alleviates symptoms is still pending. In addition, test subjects who follow a vegetarian diet usually have a higher health awareness in general, such as smoking less frequently or exercising more frequently. There are therefore many factors that come into play in addition to nutrition, which is why it is not so easy to research the pure effects of plant-based nutrition.

But regardless of that, a balanced diet can help you stay healthy and prevent chronic diseases. It is therefore always worthwhile to spend a little time thinking about what you eat.


Whether the adjusted diet can actually improve your Long Covid symptoms has not yet been proven for sure, but previous findings from other areas support this. A largely plant-based diet, together with fish and eggs, is currently being proposed by researchers. In addition, so-called mindful eating could help you if you have problems with appetite and hunger.